Traumatic and distressing claims: Do they impact claims professionals?
Publication date:
06 February 2024
Last updated:
07 February 2024
The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) New Generation Programme claims group have published a report on the impact of traumatic and distressing claims exposure on claims professionals.
There is a growing understanding of second-hand trauma and how certain professions, such as emergency responders or social workers, are more susceptible due to the nature of their work. This is an issue which has perhaps been overlooked in Insurance, despite claims handlers and loss adjustors sometimes being required to handle distressing material to support vulnerable customers. Improving available support for these employees is vital if we value their own well-being.
This report raises much needed awareness of the issue and draws on strong evidence to make helpful suggestions in its conclusion. The group surveyed a significant number of claims professionals who had been exposed to traumatic claims, from a wide range of business lines. They found that these individuals found themselves affected inside work and in their personal lives when dealing with difficult cases. The report encourages employers to be pro-active in supporting employees and developing a culture of openness to allow employees to talk about their claims with colleagues, managers and counsellors.
Download the Traumatic and distressing claims: Do they impact claims professionals? report