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PFS Board appointments

Publication date:

01 October 2024

Last updated:

01 October 2024

The CII Group Board has today made four new appointments to the PFS Board to ensure it has access to the most accurate and timely information when taking decisions on behalf of members. Matthew Hill, Group Chief Executive, and three other members of the organisation’s Executive leadership team – Trevor Edwards, Mathew Mallett and Gill White – have been added with immediate effect. They replace four existing Institute appointed Directors – Neil Buckley, Sarah Howe, Catharine Seddon and Neil Watts.

CII Executives have previously served on the PFS Board over many years. Reestablishing a PFS Board structure that combines both external and internal knowledge and expertise will ensure the Group’s strategic ambitions for the PFS are best achieved. They include delivering high-quality learning opportunities, developing our exceptional member offer, and making significant advances in our IT services. The additions of our Executive Director, Member Engagement & Learning, and Executive Director, Digital & Information, alongside the Group Chief Executive and Executive Director, Resources & People, will bring additional strength to the PFS Board and help achieve this strategic alignment for the benefit of members.

The CII Group Board would like to put on record its thanks to the four Directors who have left the PFS Board today for their respective contributions over many months. The other Institute appointed Directors – Mike Crane, Edward Grant and Debbie Mitchell – remain in post, ensuring the PFS Board can continue to draw on their extensive backgrounds in financial services and beyond.

Separately, the PFS Board has confirmed that Piers White left his role as Chair and position as Lay Director on 18 September. Christine Elliott returned as a Lay Director on 19 September.


The full composition of the PFS Board is as follows:

Carla Brown, President

Daniel Williams, Vice President

Elizabeth Bastin

Michael Crane

Trevor Edwards

Christine Elliott

Edward Grant

Matthew Hill

Mathew Mallett

Debbie Mitchell

Anthony Ward

Gill White

Ben Wright