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What is next in London Market reform?


Publication date:

27 November 2018

Last updated:

18 December 2023


Andrew Horton

In this IIL future of the market lecture Andrew Horton, CEO, Beazley and Chair, London Market Group, covered market modernisation and change and the impact this will have on the workforce of the future.

Andrew briefed members on the current workstreams overseen by the London Market Group and reminded why these are important to the market.  His also discussed how the market of the future will be different from where we are now and the impact this may have on the people and skills we will need to operate successfully within the market.

By the end of this lecture members would have gained an insight into:

  • How the market is changing
  • What you need to think about regarding roles and skills
  • Use of data and technology

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Duration: 38 minutes.

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