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Greater mental fitness at work


Publication date:

03 October 2019

Last updated:

18 December 2023


Phil Toogood, Transformative & Performance Coach, Cranfield Phillips

In this Insurance Institute of London (IIL) inclusion & diversity lecture Phil Toogood, Transformative & Performance Coach, Cranfield Phillips, used the content of mindfulness and neuroscience as the platforms to provide practical tips, tools and drills to develop personal effectiveness, self-awareness and reduce the daily stressors.

Literally millions of days are lost each year to work related stress and studies have shown there are signs of increase. These incredible figures include sufferers from anxiety and depression which is fuelled by low self-esteem that can be measured by how much we view ourselves. Phil highlighted the relationship between our thinking, emotions and feelings and the spectrum of results that can occur when triggered by our thoughts and resulting actions.

Tapping into both neuroscience and mindfulness, Phil demonstrated how a little more understanding and observing of our brain at work and the power of the mind as well as tuning into our bodies can produce amazing results.

By the end of this lecture members would have gained an insight into:

  • The brain's survival system and the benefits from understanding and observing our brain and work
  • Techniques to find confidence, self-esteem, focus and greater productivity

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Duration: 43 minutes

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