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Further learning and support

Explore our certificated courses, technical training, revision courses, management, leadership and skills courses – all designed to help you stay ahead of the curve.


Further learning courses

Courses focused on specific topics to support your professional development needs

Revision courses

Accelerate your exam performance with our online interactive revision workshops

CII Qualification Training Programmes

Training Programmes to help you with your qualification journey

Technical Workshops

Refresh your existing knowledge or develop new skills with our Technical Training Workshops

Management, Leadership and Skills Courses

Enhance your Management, Leadership and Skills to optimise your personal performance, lead your team effectively and strengthen your business

Consumer Duty Training

Explore our range of new Consumer Duty training, so firms can easily roll-out and evidence adoption of core knowledge

Supporting clients in vulnerable circumstances: Virtual reality (VR) workshop

Free for PFS Members to attend

Vulnerable Clients - Virtual Reality (VR) Workshop

Technical Workshops

Refresh your existing knowledge or develop new skills with our Technical Training Workshops


Management, Leadership and Skills

Enhance your Management, Leadership and Skills to optimise your personal performance, lead your team effectively and strengthen your business

Management, Leadership and Skills

Revision Courses and Qualifications Training Programmes

Accelerate your exam performance with our online interactive revision workshops and Training Programmes

Revision courses