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Information for employers on the Apprenticeship journey and their responsibilities.

Benefits of apprenticeships to employers

  • Government funding is available. You can receive funding from the government to help cover the cost of apprenticeships.
  • Applies to new and existing employees. They are a great way to grow talent and bring in new talent within your organisation.
  • Motivate your employees and boost loyalty. Supporting long-term development within your employees is a simple and effective way to boost morale and loyalty within your company.
  • Build a qualified team. Through insurance and personal finance apprenticeships, your employees can gain CII qualifications alongside their training, and there are apprenticeship for all levels and skillsets.
  • Be fully supported. CII and our partners will help you with the entire process. You will be part of the Aspire employer community, sharing support and best [practice in the training and employment of apprentices.

Apprenticeship standards

Information on funding available across the UK.

Aspire journey

Find out more about the Apprenticeship journey and the support available.

Employer responsibilities

Find out more about your responsibilities as an employer.

Register as an employer

If you are ready to start the first step on the Aspire programme please complete this form