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Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The CII's Strategic Plan covers the five years from 2023 to 2027 and signposts our longer-term direction. The plan lays out our vision and purpose, the key strategic challenges we anticipated at the time of its development, and the high-level initiatives we are adopting to address them. It provides the overarching direction within which the Institute will develop annual business plans and allocate budgets and resources.

This plan contains six strategic themes that place emphasis on professional standards and the value of membership supported by world-class learning and qualifications.

The themes reinforce the Institute’s overarching role, with the CII and PFS positioned as professional membership bodies first and foremost, delivering our unique member proposition that encompasses ‘Credibility, Community and Career’.

Our six strategic themes

1. Excellent Member Experience

2. Highest Professional Standards

3. Sector Thought Leadership

4. World-Class Learning

5. Digital First

6. Sustainable Institute


Discover our vision, and read or download our strategic plan